M76 Little Dumbbell Nebula in [SII], Halpha and [OIII] from Stinger 450 Classical Cassegrain and CM10 Maxcam

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Taken on October 12, 16 - 21, 2006 from my backyard in Castro Valley, California

Stinger 450 Classical Cassegrain (18" f/12.6)  

Lumicon Giant Easy Guider with Focal reducer for final: F= 3366mm, f/7.1

Finger Lakes CM10 MaxCam imaging camera operated at -20C


Finger Lakes CFW1 Filter wheel

SBIG ST7E guide camera

Custom Scientific 3nm FWHM Ha filter (50mm diameter)

Custom Scientific 3nm FWHM [SII] filter (50mm diameter)

Custom Scientific 3nm FWHM [OIII] filter (50mm diameter)

15 exposures of 30 minutes through Halpha filter

21 exposures of 30 minutes through [SII] filter

15 exposures of 30 minutes through [OIII] filter

25.5 hours total exposure time

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