M76 Little Dumbbell Nebula in [SII], Hydrogen Alpha and [OIII] Light

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[SII] = Red, Hydrogen Alpha = Green, [OIII] = Blue

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Hydrogen Alpha = Red, [OIII] = Green, [SII] = Blue

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[SII] = Red, [NII] = Green, [OIII] = Blue


Taken November 26, 2003 and December 15 and 21, 2003 from my backyard in Castro Valley, Ca.

C14 imaging scope @4430mm focal length (f/12.46) with Camera Rotator and stabilized with mirror locks 

FLI IMG1024S imaging camera @ -40C

SBIG AO7 Adaptive Optics System

SBIG ST7E Guide/AO control camera @-20C

RCOS Dichroic Beam Splitter for AO7/IMG compatibility

FLI CFW 1 filter wheel

Custom Scientific Narrowband Emission Line Filter

   [Sulfur II]                     672.4nm  3nm FWHM

   Hydrogen alpha        656.3nm  3nm FWHM

   [Nitrogen II]                658.3nm  3nm FWHM

   [Oxygen III]                 500.7nm  3nm FWHM


First two images:

1 exposures of 20 minutes for [SII], [OIII]

2 exposures of 20 minutes for Halpha


Last Image:

3 exposures of 45 minutes for [SII], [NII] and [OIII]


Maxim DL used for IMG1024S control

CCDSOFT 5.00.71 used for AO7/ST7E control

Sigma prebeta 11 used for darks, flats, biases and light combine

Photoshop CS used for final touch up

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