Click on image to enlarge. Click here for maximum resolution
Taken on April 22, 2004 from my backyard in Castro Valley, Ca.
C14 imaging scope @4430mm focal length (f/12.46) stabilized with mirror locks and with camera angle adjuster
SBIG ST10XME imaging camera @ -26C
SBIG AO7 Adaptive Optics System
SBIG ST7E Guide/AO control camera @-15C
RCOS Dichroic Beam Splitter for separate guide/imaging camera used with AO7
FLI CFW 1 filter wheel
Optec IR-Blocking LRGB Filters (50mm unmounted)
9 exposures of 20 minutes for Luminance
Total exposure time = 3 hours
Maxim DL used for ST10XME control
CCDSOFT 5.00.126 used for AO7/ST7E control
Russ Croman's Sigma Reject Plugin for Maxim DL used for Darks, Flats, Biases and image combine
AIP4WIN used for Deconvolution
Photoshop CS used for final touch up