M33 Nebulae in Halpha, [SII] and [OIII] emission lines from Epsilon 180ED and IMG6303E

Click image to enlarge, click here for highest resolution

"Synthetic RGB": 

         Red = [SII] + Halpha

        Green = [OIII]

        Blue = [OIII] + 30% Halpha (to simulate the Hbeta emission)

Uncropped view, click to enlarge

Taken on September 21, 2006 from my backyard in Castro Valley, California

Takahashi Epsilon 180ED imaging scope (f/2.8, F=500mm)

Finger Lakes IMG6303E imaging camera operated at -26C

Finger Lakes CFW7 Filter wheel

Finger Lakes PDF Focuser with custom made adaptors

Takahashi FCT76 guide scope

SBIG ST7ME guide camera operated at -10C

5 exposures of 10 minutes through [SII] filter

8 exposures of 10 minutes through Halpha filter

5 exposures of 10 minutes through [OIII] filter

Three hours total exposure time

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