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Taken on June 11, 2004 from Fremont Peak State Park near San Juan Bautista, California
Takahashi FCT-76 imaging scope with Takahashi Focal reducer, f/4.5, F=376mm
SBIG ST10XME imaging camera at -26C
Astro-Physics 80/900mm guidescope with adjustable rings
SBIG ST7E guide camera at -15C
Astro-Physics AP900GTO mount
FLI DF2 Digital Focuser
FLI CFW1 Color Filter Wheel
Custom Scientific AR-Coated narrowband emission line filters (50mm unmounted)
[SII] 673.4nm CWL, 3nm FWHM
Ha 656.4nm CWL, 3nm FWHM
[OIII] 500.7nm CWL, 3nm FWHM
Exposure details: six exposures of 10 minutes through each filter.
Total exposure time = 3 hours