IC405 Emission Nebula in [SII], Halpha and [OIII] light


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[SII], Ha, [OIII]: RGB

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Ha, [SII], [SII]: RGB


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Ha only

Taken on October 11, 2003 from my backyard in Castro Valley, Ca.

Astro-Physics Traveler f/6 with Astro-Physics 0.75X Telecompressor (F=457.5mm total, f/4.5)

Finger Lakes Instrumentation IMG1024S "Dream Machine"  Imaging Camera at -40deg C. 

Astro-Physics 80mm guidescope

SBIG ST7E guide camera

Astro-Physics AP1200GTO mount

Finger Lakes Instrumentation DF2 Digital Focuser

Finger Lakes Instrumentation CFW1 Filter Wheel

Custom Scientific Narrowband Emission Line Filter

   [Sulfur II]                     672.4nm  3nm FWHM

   Hydrogen alpha        656.3nm  3nm FWHM

   [Oxygen III]                 500.7nm  3nm FWHM

6 exposures of five minutes each through each filter

90 minutes total exposure time

Maxim 3.20 used for image capture

Sigma pre-beta 11 used for darks, biases, flats, combines

Photoshop 7 used for final adjustments

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