Comet C/2001 Q4 NEAT + 43Gamma Cancri + Meteor Trail


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Click on image to enlarge, click here for highest resolution

Taken on May 15, 2004 from Fremont Peak State Park near San Juan Bautista, California

Equipment used and exposure details:

Takahashi FTC-76  imaging scope with Takahashi focal reducer @342mm focal length (f/4.5) 

SBIG ST10XME imaging camera @ -26C

FLI CFW 1 filter wheel

Optec IR-Blocking LRGB filter set (50mm Unmounted)

Exposure details:

20 exposures of 10 seconds each for Luminance, R, G, B

13 minutes 20 seconds total exposure time

Maxim DL used for ST10XME control and processing

Russ Croman's Sigma Reject Plugin for Maxim DL used for Darks, Flats, Biases and image combine

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